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So far Allanah has created 60 blog entries.

STOP PRESS – New laws targeting stalking and harassment on the horizon

On 10 December 2024, the Crimes Legislation (Stalking and Harassment) Amendment Bill (Bill) passed its first reading in Parliament.  The Bill aims to create a new Crimes Act 1961 offence of stalking and harassment, repealing the existing offence of criminal harassment in the Harassment Act 1997.  This legislation is part of the Government’s commitment to ensuring there are 20,000 fewer victims of serious [...]

STOP PRESS – New laws targeting stalking and harassment on the horizon2024-12-17T11:28:00+13:00

Just the right amount of notice

The Employment Relations Authority has considered an unusual personal grievance case in which an employee claimed that their employer has given an incorrect notice period.  This case clarifies the practical calculation when giving notice periods, particularly when notice is stated in months. Tighe-Umbers v Jetconnect Limited [2024] NZERA 234 Claims Mr Tighe-Umbers was employed by Jetconnect as a pilot until the date of [...]

Just the right amount of notice2024-05-14T16:47:42+12:00

Freedom to discuss remuneration

A private Member’s Bill aimed at protecting employees that discuss or disclose their own remuneration has been drawn from the Parliamentary ballot in late March 2024. If enacted, the Employment Relations (Employee Remuneration Disclosure) Amendment Bill (“Bill”) would enable employees to take action against their employers for taking (or threatening to take) any adverse action against them for: discussing their remuneration with other [...]

Freedom to discuss remuneration2024-05-09T10:23:07+12:00

Sexual harassment in the workplace: claiming against the individual

In a recent decision by the Human Rights Review Tribunal, BGH v Kumar, the plaintiff took legal action against an employee in their personal capacity for sexual harassment endured during employment for a period of around 2 years. This decision is significant as cases such as this are not common in New Zealand, as it is much more common to pursue claims against [...]

Sexual harassment in the workplace: claiming against the individual2024-04-19T15:30:43+12:00

Pre-commencement discovery

When parties are engaged in civil litigation, generally they may seek documents and evidence held by other parties after the claims have been filed and before the hearing is due to take place. In this case, a former employer applied for discovery at the Employment Court before any proceedings had been filed at the Employment Relations Authority. P.I.C. Insurance Broking Limited v Pepper, Cooper [...]

Pre-commencement discovery2024-02-01T11:30:18+13:00

When a conditional offer of employment is withdrawn, is there a right to raise a personal grievance?

Under the Employment Relations Act (“ERA”), the right to raise a personal grievance is limited to an ‘employee’.  Over the years, personal grievance claims have been brought by prospective employees after a conditional offer of employment has been accepted and subsequently withdrawn by the prospective employer.  A recent judgment of the Employment Court is instructive on whether a personal grievance claim may be [...]

When a conditional offer of employment is withdrawn, is there a right to raise a personal grievance?2024-02-01T11:30:26+13:00

Legislative amendments on health and safety representatives and committees

The Health and Safety at Work (Health and Safety Representatives and Committees) Amendment Act 2023 (“Amendment”) was passed and came into effect in June 2023.  In this article we examine the changes imposed by the Amendment and the possible implications for PCBUs. Before Amendment Before the Amendment was passed, organisations (“PCBUs”) were able to decline a request from workers to initiate an election [...]

Legislative amendments on health and safety representatives and committees2024-02-01T11:30:33+13:00

Comments on Act Party’s proposed employment relations changes

As we head towards the general election in October 2023, the ACT party has proposed a number of changes to the personal grievance process. Their proposed changes are to: Require ERA decisions to be delivered within a month of the investigation meeting concluding. Enable the appointment of an ERA member to be terminated if they do not meet this requirement (after a process of [...]

Comments on Act Party’s proposed employment relations changes2024-02-01T11:30:47+13:00

Wage theft – should this be a criminal offence?

The Crimes (Theft by Employer) Amendment Bill has been introduced into Parliament and raises some important issues for discussion.  In this article, we examine the Amendment Bill and its possible implications for employers should it proceed. Crimes (Theft by Employer) Amendment Bill The Crimes (Theft by Employer) Amendment Bill is a Member's bill which has been introduced into Parliament.  It is intended to [...]

Wage theft – should this be a criminal offence?2024-02-01T11:30:42+13:00

Requiring employees to take annual leave under the Holidays Act

E Tū Inc and others v Carter Holt Harvey LVL Limited [2022] NZEmpC 141 Introduction The Holidays Act provides that annual holidays are to be taken at times that are agreed between the employer and employee.  However, an employer may require an employee to take annual holidays if they are not able to reach agreement as to when the employee will take their [...]

Requiring employees to take annual leave under the Holidays Act2024-02-01T11:30:54+13:00
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