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So far Allanah has created 59 blog entries.

Freedom to contract: Whose interests does it serve?

In this article, we examine ACT’s recent policy for worker choice and freedom to contract and the practical implications for workers and employers, as compared to the current legal framework for determining employment status. The full policy statement can be found here. Status quo The law in New Zealand provides a degree of employment rights and protection, but these rights are only provided [...]

Freedom to contract: Whose interests does it serve?2023-06-28T09:22:49+12:00

Sexual harassment in the workplace: Extending the timeframe for raising a personal grievance

Employees who wish to raise a personal grievance generally have to do so within a period of 90 days under the Employment Relations Act 2000 (“ERA”). However, under a Bill that is currently before Parliament, the time limit for raising a personal grievance in respect of sexual harassment would be extended from 90 days to 12 months. The Bill has already been considered by [...]

Sexual harassment in the workplace: Extending the timeframe for raising a personal grievance2024-02-01T11:31:00+13:00

Compensating redundant “new-hires”

The environment in which businesses operate can change quickly and dramatically.  Employees may be hired one minute when the outlook is positive, but their employment may be in jeopardy when economic sentiments change for the worse and business performance fails to meet the targets which had previously been anticipated.  For many businesses, labour costs account for a major proportion of their operating costs. [...]

Compensating redundant “new-hires”2023-05-30T09:50:33+12:00

Legislative Developments in New Zealand Employment Relations

In this article we will outline two legislative developments in employment relations in New Zealand – the Protected Disclosures (Protection of Whistleblowers) Act 2022 (“PDA”) and the Fair Pay Agreement Act 2022 (“FPAA”). Protected Disclosures (Protection of Whistleblowers) Act 2022 The PDA was enacted and came into effect from 1 July 2022. It amends and updates the original Protected Disclosures Act 2000.  The new [...]

Legislative Developments in New Zealand Employment Relations2023-04-27T15:57:28+12:00

Quiet quitting: are New Zealanders joining this trend?

The question of whether New Zealanders are joining the global ‘quiet quitting’ trend is answered by Jennifer Mills and others at the NZ Herald. Click to read more.

Quiet quitting: are New Zealanders joining this trend?2023-03-17T10:10:31+13:00

Employment specialist on responsibilities of employers around sick leave

Jennifer Mills' interview with Mike Hosking on The Mike Hosking Breakfast (11 July 2022).  Our Covid numbers are going back up and the experts are warning of a second wave. Employers are being told to brace for another round of long periods of workers off with sick leave. But with that come responsibilities for an employer, especially around getting someone who's out [...]

Employment specialist on responsibilities of employers around sick leave2023-03-17T10:10:38+13:00

Covid-19 on the job: Warning to bosses over sick staff

This article was written by Grant Bradley and published on NZ Herald (10 July 2022). An employment lawyer has warned that bosses who require staff to work while they're sick with Covid-19 could face claims if workers become ''long haulers.'' With a surge in Covid cases and increased risk of reinfections, employment specialist Jennifer Mills says employers need to be careful. ''An employer could [...]

Covid-19 on the job: Warning to bosses over sick staff2023-03-17T10:10:23+13:00

Kiwis can now use texts from the Ministry of Health as proof of COVID-19, causing headaches for employers

This article was published on Newshub (6 July 2022). To relieve pressure on general practitioners, on Tuesday the Ministry of Health told employers they can use text messages from the ministry as evidence employees either have COVID-19 or are household contact - but there are concerns it could lead to exploitation. The Ministry of Health said the text messages are "reliable evidence" employees need [...]

Kiwis can now use texts from the Ministry of Health as proof of COVID-19, causing headaches for employers2023-03-17T10:11:05+13:00

Combating modern slavery – let’s start here in New Zealand

The Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) has issued a discussion document in which the Government is proposing to establish statutory responsibilities to identify and combat worker exploitation across the operations and supply chains in all businesses and organisations.  MBIE defines modern slavery as the severe exploitation of a person who cannot cease work due to threats, violence or deception.  This includes [...]

Combating modern slavery – let’s start here in New Zealand2023-03-17T10:11:15+13:00

“Fair Pay Agreements” are not “agreements” at all

The Government has introduced new legislation to provide a framework for the negotiation of sector-based and occupation-based “agreements” – which would provide for minimum employment terms to be set across all employers and employees in certain industries or occupations.  This Bill represents the biggest proposed change to our employment relations system since 2000.   Summary of the FPA process We will outline below how [...]

“Fair Pay Agreements” are not “agreements” at all2023-03-17T10:11:23+13:00
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